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What are the classifications of high temperature ceramic materials

Release time:Mar 01,2025        Click amount:3310        By:Honest New Material Co.,Ltd

High temperature ceramic materials in the field of professional and daily use respectively have different meanings, the professional field of melting temperature in silicon oxide melting point (1728℃) above the general term of ceramic materials, so what are some  high temperature ceramic materials classification? Let me introduce it to you.

Classification of high temperature ceramic materials

1.alumina high temperature ceramic materials

It can be divided into corundum porcelain, corundum - mullite porcelain and mullite porcelain, etc., and divided into high purity alumina porcelain, 99 porcelain, 95 porcelain, 85 porcelain, 75 porcelain and so on according to the percentage of alumina. The performance of porcelain depends on the composition and microstructure, and the melting point decreases with the decrease of Al2O3 content.

Alumina ceramics (artificial corundum) is a very promising high-temperature structural material, it has a very high melting point, can be used as high-grade refractory materials, such as crucible, high temperature furnace tube, etc.

Taking advantage of alumina's hardness, it is possible to make corundum ball mills used in laboratories to grind materials that are less hard than alumina. With high purity raw materials, using advanced technology, can also make alumina ceramics transparent, can produce high pressure sodium lamp tube.

2.carbide high temperature resistant ceramics

In carbide ceramics, ZrC, HfC, TaC and TiC can be used in ultra-high temperature environments. Such ceramics have very high melting point, do not undergo solid-state phase transition during heating or cooling, have good thermal shock resistance and high temperature strength, but hard alloy UHTCs have low fracture toughness and oxidation resistance. The difference.

ZrC is a promising material with low price, high melting point, high hardness, excellent electrical and thermal conductivity.

HfC ceramics have high melting point and hardness, relatively low coefficient of linear expansion, more able to meet the requirements of extreme conditions. The main disadvantage is poor oxidation resistance;

Because of its high melting point, low density, high hardness and good high temperature performance, TaC has been widely used in cutting tools, electronic materials, abrasive materials, missile structural materials, solid rocket engine throat lining materials, etc. Thermal shock resistance makes it have a broad prospect in the field of ultra-high temperature thermal protection.

3.silicon nitride high temperature ceramic materials

The Mohs hardness of 9.Si3N4 is a covalently bonded compound belonging to the hexagonal system, with α and β crystal types. Si-N bond strength is high, difficult to sintered material.

Silicon nitride ceramics is also an important structural material, it is a hard substance, small density, itself has lubricity, and wear resistance, in addition to hydrofluoric acid, it does not react with other inorganic acids, strong corrosion resistance; Oxidation resistance at high temperatures.

And it can resist hot and cold impact, heating in the air to more than 1000, rapid cooling and then rapid heating, will not be broken, it is silicon nitride has such good characteristics, people often use it to manufacture bearings, turbine blades, mechanical sealing rings, molds and other mechanical components.

That's the classification of high temperature ceramic materials for you. Honmat New Material is a leading domestic enterprise specializing in the research and development and application of  high-temperature thermal insulation materials, ceramic filter materials, insulating materials,  and rare earth catalytic materials.

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