Ceramics act as three way catalysts for gasoline engines

Release time:Mar 12,2025        Click amount:5349        By:Honest New Material Co.,Ltd

Byutilizing the residual gas and exhaust temperature in exhaust gas, pollutantssuch as CO, HC and NOx are converted into harmless CO2, N2 and H2O throughcatalytic effect, which meets the emission standards of National V, NationalVI, Euro V and Euro VI of lightweight vehicles;

As thetightly coupled catalyst is located close to the engine exhaust outlet, itenables the conversion of CO, HC and rapid increase of exhaust temperaturethrough low temperature ignition under cold start condition;

Chassiscatalyst delivers effective purification of CO, HC and NOx over a wide air-fuelratio window.

Performance Characteristics

Coating is stable, with excellent airvelocity adaptability;

Good resistanceto high-temperature hydrothermal aging and to sulfur poisoning with longservice life;

The tightlycoupled catalyst has good cold start performance and higher hydrothermalstability at high temperature.

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